When it comes to stains it's important to seek professional advice because there are so many different types of stains and so many different types of fabric that it really does take a lot of experience to know the best way to remove them.
There is also very specialist equipment that can be used to remove stains that you wouldn’t find in the average household.
However, there are some things that you can do to limit the damage and increase the chances of a good dry cleaner being able to save your clothing.
First, remember to never apply hot water to the stain as this will cause some stains to set into the fabric, making it near impossible for them to be removed but if you do attempt to clean the stain, dab at it with cold water, don’t rub.
The worst type of fabric for stains is silk so if you do happen to get a stain on a silk garment, don’t try to do anything yourself.
Take it straight to a good dry cleaner and hope for the best as one of the biggest differences between dry cleaners is their ability to remove stains.
Free consultation http://m.me/thelaundryplace.tlp
Japanese Laundry Quality
You can find us in Singapore, Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley.
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