Well, it's pretty much exactly what it sounds like, cleaning that's done without the use of water.
To put it in the simplest terms, the dry cleaning process uses solvents in a drum-type situation that's similar to the drum of a washing machine. In contrast, wet cleaning (that is a for-real term!) uses water plus detergent to eliminate dirt and odors from clothing.
The dry cleaning process uses solvents in a drum-type situation that's similar to the drum of a washing machine.
But what are solvents? Solvents are liquids that are used to dissolve other substances and typically do not contain water.
The most common solvent used in dry cleaning is perchloroethylene, which is called perc for short, but silicone-based solvents and organic solvents are becoming increasingly popular alternatives to perc.
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Japanese Laundry Quality
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