The secret to a blissful night's sleep is a good bed, and a good bed requires a little effort and love. If you're having trouble sleeping or nightmare, have you tried any of the following?

Fresh linen makes all the difference to the way you feel as you prepare for a good night's sleep, so no matter how painful, make sure you remove and wash your linen and mattress protector from the bed often enough. .
A 40ºC wash should be enough for regular cleans, washing your sheets on too hot a setting can damage the linen's fibres.

Duvets, much like sheets and pillowcases, require washing every once in a while.
It's a bit more of a pain because most people usually don't have a large enough washing machine at home so it is recommended that you take them to a launderette for some professional care.

You read right: much like sheets and pillowcases, pillows need to be washed regularly. The results might surprise you - goodbye flatness, hello fluffiness: not only is it the hygienic thing to do, washing them gives them a boost, too.
Do check the care label before washing, as whilst polyester and some of the latex pillows are OK to be machine-washed, it is not advisable for down and feather ones.
They will need a bit more professional care to make sure the feathers do not escape the case and don't lose their oil, which would make the pillows very flat.

If you knew what makes it through to your mattress over time even if you have a mattress protector... you'd drop whatever it was you were doing right now in search of your hoover!
Dust, skin particles, dust mites (eew) - these are a few of the lovely things that have been accumulating in the indented areas of your mattress over the last few... years?
Since you last vacuumed your mattress - or even since you purchased it. Yes, vacuumed - nothing less you can do at home.

Lavender is good pretty much everywhere in the bedroom. So don't hesitate to sprinkle or spritz everywhere you can.
You can spray the air with this lovely fragrance too before you turn in - doing so every night will create a fragrant "anchor" which will tell your brain that it's time to relax and let go.
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