Tag Archives: Japanese Laundry
While it is better to hang skirts and dresses, even if you don’t have the proper dresses hangers, you can still fold them, especially if you’re looking to travel. Japanese Laundry Quality Our service coverage is in Singapore, Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley #thelaundryplace #drycleaninginsingaporejohorbahrukualalumpurandklangvalley#freepickupanddelivery #japaneselaundryquality#feelthedifference #curtaincleaning#drycleaningandlaundrytips 🚚 Free pick up and delivery 💰 Money back […]
5 Signs That Your Dry Cleaner Cares
Looking for the best dry cleaners around? With so many options, it can be hard to know where to begin. The most important thing is finding a professional shop that values your satisfaction. Here are just a few of the signs that show your dry cleaner cares: Japanese Laundry Quality . Our service coverage […]
无论是家用窗帘还是公用窗帘,要想清洗都不是那么容易,因为窗帘很大,清洗起来极其不易,要想清洗干净就更难。其实不然,窗帘太大不好洗主要是因此没有正确的方式,采用正确的方法就能很好的清洗窗帘。 正常情况下窗帘都是比较大的,基本都优2-3米高,宽度也基本都是大于2米的,因此要想洗窗帘就需要用到大的容器,否则是没有办法清洗的。而且窗帘湿水后会更加重,拿起来都不容易,更不要说洗干净。 窗帘很大,湿水后会变重,要想清洗重大十几二十斤的窗帘,确实不是件容易的事情,但是也并不是没有办法,只要有掌握相关的窗帘清洗技巧,还是可以比较好的清洗窗帘的。 首先,清洗窗帘之前,先把窗帘表层附着的灰尘颗粒先处理一下,在放入加有洗涤剂的清水中浸泡,整个浸泡的时间按照面料的不同,控制在15-60分钟之前,浸泡的时候也可以用手搅动窗帘,让窗帘浸泡的更加彻底,这样窗帘洗起来会比较容易。 温馨提示:需要注意的事情,并不是所有的窗帘都能用水洗的,而且家用的洗衣机容量都是有限的,对于大篇幅的窗帘是没法清洗的。 洗窗帘除了要注意洗涤剂和分类清洗外,还需要注意清洗的技巧。想天鹅绒这类的窗帘,清洗的时候记得不要用力,要轻轻的清洗,太过用力的话会导致窗帘变形脱绒;棉质的很容易吸附脏物,大家在购买时建议考虑周全。另外就是纱帘、绒布窗帘类的面料,这两种面料都不可机洗。 绒布类窗帘清洁时不要搓揉,易变形,纱帘很少积灰,用湿毛巾擦拭即可。而且洗完的窗帘需要晾晒在自然通风的环境中,应该避免直接在太阳底下暴晒,暴晒会导致窗帘褪色变白。 要想洗窗帘更贱简便干净,平常生活中也是需要多注意养护窗帘的。窗帘长期使用,吸附了大量的灰尘。尤其是颜色较深的窗帘,表面上看不出来,加上室内通风差或者梅雨天墙面潮湿,容易滋生霉菌,影响室内空气质量。 这时如果定期用吸尘器去清除灰尘,就能有效避免细菌滋生等问题。而且经常给窗帘去去尘,在清洗窗帘的时候就不会那么肮脏。
5 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Specialist For Your Domestic Washing Requirements
Do you a headache having to wash your clothes on a weekly basis? Does it take a lot of your ‘free’ time away? Do you wish you could get rid of this cleaning requirement and have someone handle the responsibilities for you? If so, you might be interested in hiring a specialist for your domestic […]
How long do you wanna people to look down on you and see your low self-esteem? Do you have low confidence in your life generally? You have worked so hard and long enough, but nobody notices you? How sad😟. Social gathering with people will always become a recipe for disaster for you? You felt numb, […]
How to Clean Without a Care Label?
When garments do not have a care label, we must determine the safest method of cleaning the garment. To determine if the item can be safely dry cleaned, we test for colorfastness with dry cleaning solvent. To test for colorfastness to wet cleaning or washing, use a neutral detergent or water. If the dye on […]
Be a responsible mother for your family
Do not let your kids call you as a lazy mother and impurity because you do not wash their clothes! They will leave you if you become like that. Do not neglect your responsibility as a mother. Your children are your future. Your washing machine is damaged? Or you are too lazy to wash clothes […]
Will Dry Cleaning Make My Clothes Last Longer?
Many of us see dry cleaning as one of those simple facts of life. It’s taken for granted that this is something you’re supposed to do for your delicate garments. Will it really make them last longer? The simple answer is “YES” – and here’s why: Japanese Laundry Quality Our service coverage […]
What happen to my blazer? It’s damaged!
Your negligence makes your life meaningless! Do not let the small problem become worse if you do not know how to take care of your blazer properly. Do you want to just throw your blazer away after damaging-washing it? You will regret for life if you still wash things your way. Think rationally before […]
Are your children important in your life? Have noticed that your children keep on coughing heavily and you are worried something happens to them. You keep on bringing them to the hospital to cure them, but they never recover or just recover temporarily and fall sick again, frequently. Have you checked where’s the place […]
Do You Spot with Bleaches?
When spotting with bleaches, keep in mind that bleaching is a process that changes the color of a substance to a colorless state through a chemical reaction. This means that the stains or dyes are not necessarily removed from fabrics, they are merely made invisible by a chemical change. The chemical reactions involved in […]